Tue - Fri8.30 to 12.30 / 14.30 to 16.30
Mon - Sun8AM to 6PM

Mary Immaculate, the Mother of God, is the model of our League. Members imitate her obedience to both hearing and acting on the Word of God. We try to follow Mary’s example of bringing Jesus to others by living our faith and in the works of the League.


The Elders and Family Life Committee advises the Parish Priest and the Pastoral Parish Council on matters pertaining to the welfare of parishioners in general, and elders in particular, and work on building a Parish Community. The Committee looks after the welfare of the Parish Community, and coordinates the integration of new members and Elders in the Parish Community and…


The Committee is charged with the duty of planning and coordinating liturgical celebrations, as well as coordinating the overall spiritual development of the faithful at the Parish. To achieve its mandate, the Committee plans forthcoming celebrations, days of prayer, Novenas, spiritual renewal, as well as special devotions as called for by the respective occasion. The planning part includes both the timing as well as the how the celebration should be. Examples of celebrations that the Committee works on are Christmas festivities, Holy Week, Corpus Christi, Confirmation and First Holy Communion, as well as ad hoc events such as the IMBISA Holy Mass that took place on 25th September 2022. Furthermore, the Committee also recruits and oversees the training of parishioners to serve in various ministries of the Church as the need arises.

The current Office Bearers of the Committee are as follows:
Priest: Fr. Johannes Shalongo, OMI
Chairperson: Monica Bille
Vice-Chairperson: Emmanuel Olu-King
Secretary: Charlotte Sitler


The Committee provides a medium for the young membership of the St. Mary’s Cathedral to present the views of young members to the Parish Priest and Pastoral Parish Council. The Committee also organizes and arranges activities of interest to the youth. It also unites the various youth groups in the parish, and promotes the participation of the youth in Parish…


This committee works together with the other committees in organising events and functions of the parish as well as make budgetary requests to the PFC.


The EC is responsible for discerning the needs, developing, promoting and evaluating all parish education programmes.


The SAC represents the parish community in expressing its concern about poverty and injustice in both the local and broader community, and in transforming that concern into commitment and action.


The buildings and Maintenance committee serves to ensure that all buildings that fall under the jurisdiction of the St. Mary’s Cathedral are maintained and are in accordance to the building regulations.


The Parish Finance Council is responsible for the temporal administration of the parish finances, supplies, maintenance of properties, bookkeeping, budgeting and inventory.